About Painting
Painting is the process of applying paint or coatings to a surface. The painting process is performed by a Painter. The term Painter is especially used when the process is performed professionally. The painter or decorator selects, prepares and applies, a paint or coating, to interior or exterior surfaces. Humans have been painting approximately 6 times longer than using a written language. Today, the painting industry is a well established business.
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Structural Painting
The word Painting is used in the rest of this site with its structural meaning, refered to as Structural Painting. Structural painting is the process of apply paint to the physical sufaces of a structure. Including building structures and nonbuilding structures.
The Difference Between Painting And Coating
Paint is a coating, but there are differences in purposes, environments, materials, processes, and skills. There are two basic coating categories; Architectural Coatings (i.e., house paint) and Industrial Coatings.
The words Painting and Coating are commonly used as meaning the same process. In contrast, there are major differences in application methods and painting skills.
Painting is defined by its esthetic value, rather than protection value, although it may provide both. Painting is performed for decorative reasons in favorable or natural environments.
Coating is defined by its protection value, rather than esthetic value, although it may provide both. Coating is performed for protection reasons in unfavorable or corrosive environments.
Learn The Differences
The Decision - A Professional Or You
Painting projects can be among the most time-consuming tasks to plan and execute properly, and they are among the most visible of all structural work. Successful projects can both protect structures and enhance their appearance, but success starts with making the right painting decision.
The reason for do it yourself painting is to save money. Cheapest is not always best in the long run, as many people have found at their cost. Often, It pays to shop around to find a reputable painting firm who will give you an agreed price and warranty for the work to be done.
Help In Making That Decision
If you would like to know more about painting, please feel free to browse the rest of our site. If you require additional information or wish to discuss your requirements, you may contact us at any time.
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