Disciplinary Procedures

13.1 Progressive Discipline
With Industrial Painter .com, disciplinary penalties and infractions generally depend upon three basic factors:
- NATURE of the offense.
- FREQUENCY of the offense committed.
- OVERALL WORK HISTORY of the employee.
There are some infractions that are so serious that suspension or termination for the first offense is mandated. Some minor offenses, however, do not require such action, particularly if the employee has a clean record and the resolve to correct the problem behavior. Repetition of the same offense will result in progressively more serious penalties or termination. The Company, however, reserves the right to take any such disciplinary action as it may deem in response to any offense or violation of Company rules by the employee.
Ultimately, employees who do not correct the problem behavior are discharged from employment. All Industrial Painter .com employees are expected to fully comply with all work rules, policies and procedures at all times. As you review this booklet certain penalties are automatic for certain offenses. To avoid any confusion, if you have any questions whatsoever, please check with your immediate supervisor.
13.2 Disciplinary Code
Any infraction of work rules, policies and procedures may, at the Company's discretion, result in any of the following disciplinary actions.
- VERBAL WARNING - Conference with employee discussing particular problems. Employee must explain the problem and future intentions. Employee should understand consequences of future problems. A record of verbal warning is placed in the employee's personnel file.
- WRITTEN WARNING - Written warning to employee. Facts of the problem are discussed and reduced to writing using the Disciplinary Report. Employee again should understand consequences of future problematical behavior. Copies of the report go to the employee, personnel file, and corporate office.
- SUSPENSION - Suspension from employment without pay. Final written warning. The length of the suspension will vary depending upon custom, evidence, seriousness of the work rule(s) violated, and past work history. The employee should fully understand that the next step is termination.
- TERMINATION - Discharged.
13.3 Extenuating Circumstances
The disciplinary action guidelines are fairly specific regarding degree of disciplinary action to be taken for each offense. It should be noted that the disciplinary action and progressive discipline guidelines are guidelines only. However, the Company reserves the right to take any disciplinary action, as it may deem appropriate in response to any conduct of the employee. Disciplinary action taken may be either more less severe than guidelines indicate. Cases where extenuating circumstances are involved should be narrowly construed.
13.4 Joint Responsibility
When a job site etc. is shared by more than one person, all individuals assigned to that work area are jointly responsible for all inventory, cash control, product preparation, cleanliness, shortages, customer service, etc. All employees are together held responsible that their work area and collectively, their performance complies with all policies and procedures. If it is not possible to clearly identify a single individual responsible for an infraction/violation, then all employees jointly responsible for that particular work area will be subject to disciplinary action including suspension / termination.
13.5 Insubordination
Insubordination may result in immediate discharge at the Company's election. Insubordination shall include, but is not limited to the following types of conduct.
- Using abusive language with a supervisor or co-worker.
- Threatening or intimidating a supervisor.
- Refusal to obey orders of supervisors or foremen.
- Refusal to do a job assignment.
- Theft or misappropriation of employees or company property.
- Restricting output/loitering on the job.
- Immoral conduct or indecency.
- Fighting on the premises at any time.
- Sabotage or destruction of Company property or equipment.
13.6 Job Termination
There are certain violations which if committed may result in immediate termination at the Company's election. These violations include, but are not limited to the following:
- Acts of violence, theft, or dishonesty towards customers, fellow employees, or Industrial Painter .com
- Alcohol or drugs use before or during your shift.
- Drinking alcoholic beverages on lunch break.
- Possession of drugs, alcohol, weapons, or unauthorized products on a job site or on Company property.
- Willful destruction of equipment or deliberate waste of supplies or materials of any kind.
- Insubordination.
- Rudeness to customers.
- Failure to report to work without notice.
- Disregard for Company policies stated in this manual and otherwise established.
- Falsification of time cards or other records of any kind.
- Fighting on the job or company property.
- Being dishonest in any way.
- Gross negligence and carelessness that would result in endangerment to the safety of the customers or employees.
- Fighting or gambling on the job site or on Company property.
- Refusal to sign Company work rules and regulations.
Policies are printed here so you know what the Company expects. No confusion can arise regarding duties and obligations. This list is not all-inclusive. The Company reserves the right to immediately discharge any employee for any infraction; offense or violation for which the Company, in its sole discretion, determines such disciplinary action is warranted.
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